Need Tech Help?

Here are links to a few important apps your child might be using in school or need access to at home:


We frequently get questions about how to locate log-in information, passwords, and other information. If you are unable to locate an answer to your question below, we would be happy to help you figure it out if we can! PTC contact information can be found here. You can also e-mail the school or your student's teacher.

1. Log in to ParentVue

2. If you have more than one student, make sure the correct student is selected or switch students in the dropdown in the upper left.

3. Go to the Student Info page using the left navigation. It's about 3/4 of the way down the list of pages.

4. Scroll to the very bottom of the Student Info page in the main area and look at the "Other Data" table. One of the columns is labeled "StudentVUE Original Password*." This is your student's Active Directory password, which can be used to log in to the Clever dashboard. As explained to me, this password may have been changed by a parent or the student since the original password was set. If it hasn't been changed, it will still work. If it has been changed and you don't know the new password, you will need to get ahold of the BSD Help Desk. A note about this is in the table as well, to the right of the password.

5. Open a second window (so you can still reference the first) and go to the Student Apps Website:

6. Click on BSD Clever Dashboard (3rd from the left in the top row).

7. Since you don't have the Clever badge, click on the "Log in with Active Directory" button on the left.

8. Enter your student's e-mail address. You can get this from the same Student Info page in ParentVue you got the password from. The first table at the top titled "Student Information" contains their e-mail address. It's on the right of the page, below the address.

9. Enter the " StudentVUE Original Password*" from the bottom of the Student Info page. If this password does not work, go back and get the contact information for the help desk and put in a ticket.

10. If you gain entry, you'll then want to print/save the PDF of your student's Clever badge, to reference in the future. Click the dropdown in the upper right of the page that shows your student's name. You will see a "Download Badge" option in the menu that opens. Clicking this will download the badge to your computer and show it in your browser. You can then print it.

1. Log in to ParentVue

2. If you have more than one student, make sure the correct student is selected or switch students in the dropdown in the upper left.

3. Go to the Student Info page using the left navigation. It's about 3/4 of the way down the list of pages.

4. Your students district email address is in the first table at the top titled "Student Information". It's on the right of the page, below your home address.

1. Log in to ParentVue

2. If you have more than one student, make sure the correct student is selected or switch students in the dropdown in the upper left.

3. Go to the Student Info page using the left navigation. It's about 3/4 of the way down the list of pages.

4. Scroll to the very bottom of the Student Info page in the main area and look at the "Other Data" table. One of the columns is labeled "StudentVUE Original Password*." This is your student's Active Directory password, which can be used to log in to the Clever dashboard. This password may have been changed by a parent or the student since the original password was set. If it hasn't been changed, it will still work. If it has been changed and you don't know the new password, you will need to get ahold of the BSD Help Desk here: A note about this is in the table as well, to the right of the password.

Families who want to opt in to device coverage, but have't yet need to go back into the verification system and opt in and then go to the online payment system to pay the fee. It takes 24 hours between opting in and the appearance of the fee on a child's account.

For more information about device coverage, go to the BSD device resources website at:

How to Pay for a Field Trip

Follow this video tutorial to locate the online payment system and pay your fees.