Thank You for Participating in the 2024-2025 Sexton Mountain Jog-A-Thon!

We did it!! With the help of our amazing community, we raised $33,171 and exceeded our goal!

Thank you to all of our families for supporting the PTC’s biggest fundraiser for the year! We know that each dollar takes time and energy to raise, and each donation of time and services allows those dollars to stretch even further. Thank you for all you do to help support Sexton Mountain!

Jog a Thon Collage

Prize Distribution

Highest 3 Earners - $50 Piccolo Mondo Gift Card
Arjun Kamath
Audrey Newman
Elliott Davis

Raffle Winner - $100 Gift Card to Big Al's
Autumn Wang

Highest Earning Class - Extra Maker Space Session
Mrs. Bartlett’s 4th grade class

Top Earning Class in Each Grade - Extra Recess
K – Mrs. Holt
1st – Mrs. Cole
2nd – Mrs. Weigel
3rd – Mrs. Nilsen
4th – Mrs. Bartlett
5th – Mrs. Kester
SRC – Mrs. Rossetti

Top Earning Grade Level - $250 for Pod
4th Grade - Congrats to Mrs. Bartlett, Mrs. Dorr and Mrs. Dronkers

Total Net Raised >$31k - School Wide Dance Party!
$33,171 in total donations!!! 

All students received a coupon for a free treat at Dairy Queen (take note of your student’s coupon to be redeemed at either the Aloha or Beaverton location).

Want to learn more about why we fundraise?
Learn More