What Are Community Partners?
Community partners are businesses in the community that will contribute to the SME PTC. Stores will contribute a portion of sales from linked accounts, businesses like BoxTops will contribute per BoxTop item that you buy, and even employers will contribute in matching donations or giving us a portion of the amount they will pay you when you volunteer. If you haven't already, make sure all your accounts are linked to SME PTC so you can help us earn more to make a difference in your child's school community!

Thank you to our generous donors who support SME!
Please frequent their business and let them know how much we appreciate their commitment to giving back to the communities where they work and live!

Fred Meyer Community Rewards
Link your Rewards Card to your favorite nonprofit at www.fredmeyer.com/communityrewards. Just log in or create an online account and search for your nonprofit (type in SEXTON MOUNTAIN and our PTC name will show up). You can also link it from the Fred Meyer app by going to “Rewards” in the menu. Click on “Community Rewards” and then search for and add Sexton Mountain Parent Teacher Club.
This is an ongoing program and you may enroll at any time. Whenever you use your Rewards card when shopping at Freddy's, you’ll be helping Sexton Mountain PTC earn a donation from Fred Meyer. At the end of each quarter, Fred Meyer will make a donation to participating nonprofits based on the accumulated spending of the Rewards customers linked to each nonprofit.

BoxTops for Education
Look for specially marked products across all of your favorite stores. After purchasing, make sure you have the BoxTops App and it's linked to the Sexton Mountain PTC. Scan all your receipts! Each box top is worth $0.10 for our school!